Monday, April 4, 2011
Jennifer's vocational experiences
Thank you to Procare Health Organization for hosting my first vocational experience and to Carmel for arranging my visit. Procare contracts with Auckland Ministry of Health to administer and deliver "Healthy Village Action Zone (HVAZ)". Through this program, and through vital partnerships, HVAZ presents evidence-based programming to different communities. These programs include the Stanford Chronic Disease Self-Management program, a fall-prevention program, and a community gardens program, delivered mainly through 42 different Pacific-Islander churches. People of Tongan and Samoan descent represent two of the largest Pacific Islander communities in New Zealand.
I have also visited with the Tongan Health Society, which works with Procare to serve Tongan populations. The Tongan Health Society has 100% of their board being of Tongan descent. I visited with their nutritionist and viewed some of their health promotional materials available in Tongan. I also met their Medical Director to learn more about access barriers unique to Pacific Islanders. This was helpful as Christina and Valita showed me different services, including their community gardens, they provide as a Parrish Nurse and Community Health Coordinator. Thank you also to Sam as well! Finally, Mele- I learned so much from your enthusiasm and dedication!